Chicago Med Premiere Recap 01/17/24: Season 9 Episode 1 Row Row Row Your Boat on a Rocky Sea

Chicago Med Premiere Recap 01/17/24: Season 9 Episode 1 "Row Row Row Your Boat on a Rocky Sea"

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, January 17, 2024, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below. In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 9 episode 1 called, “Row Row Row Your Boat on a Rocky Sea”, as per the NBC synopsis, “When the E.D. is flooded with patients from a crash, the entire team is pulled in to help.

Dr. Charles can’t shake the feeling that he knows the new E.D. attending. Dr. Archer has second thoughts on the eve of his kidney transplant.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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On tonight’s Chicago Med episode, Jack Dayton took Chicago Med by storm last season. However, his great gamble of turning the hospital into the breeding ground for innovation and less about helping people hadn’t paid off. He came up with OR 2.0. It was supposed to be surgery with the help of artificial intelligence.

His A.I. failed quite drastically in front of a huge audience. It failed during the middle of his own surgery no less. It was considered a dud after that. Jack invested everything he had into it.

He was forced to protect his assets in the fallout and so he sought to sell his shares to Chicago Med. And that’s where things ended last season.

The hospital seemed to come out back on top because now they were dealing with mass casualties. It would usually be a tragedy and yet it was exactly what the hospital needed to feel useful again.

The doctors had their hands full. There was even a new doctor there to replace Dr. Halstead. The new guy is Dr. Mitch Ripley. He was young. He was handsome. He was still feeling his way at a new hospital when the mass casualty event occurred. It was his moment to shine. He should have been focused and instead he lost sight of the real problem when he ran into Dr. Daniel Charles.

Charles recognized him from somewhere. He couldn’t remember where. Only that he’s seen him before. The doctor asked Dr. Archer about Ripley. Archer told him that the kid was smart. He graduated at the top of his class at Columbia. He was a major win for the ED. His face on the other hand kept nagging Charles.

Charles tried to bring it up with Ripley and Ripley instantly shut him down. He wasn’t interested in the past. He told Charles to stay out of his way and went right back to work. It was his response that made Charles feel like there was a story between them that he must have forgotten.

Charles however couldn’t force the issue when there were remaining problems at the hospital. He was there when Dr. Asher lost a patient. She was an OBGYN.

She only got roped into helping because it was a mass casualty event and she thought she got lucky when her patient was presenting mere stiffness. Not real injury. It wasn’t until that patient began to code and was later left brain dead that she questioned everything. She wondered where she went wrong. She lashed out at Charles for trying to comfort her. Asher was in a bad place after that.

Asher was so down that Archer checked on her. Archer wasn’t the most in tuned person. He was supposed to be getting a kidney transplant that day and he put it off to deal with the mass casualties flooding his ED. Archer took his eyes off Ripley to go console Asher.

It helped Asher. It might have failed Ripley’s patient. Ripley wanted to avoid Charles so much that he didn’t bother to consult him over his patient’s mental health. The patient’s name was Harris Shorr. He was bipolar. He was managing it very well with his current medications. And Ripley took him off those medications.

Ripley said he was overmedicated. He claimed that it was impacting his health by causing weight gain as well as high blood pressure. Harris had broken his arm in the pileup on the freeway and so Ripley should have focused on the arm. Not on his mental health. He convinced Harris that the meds were harming him.

He took him off of them. He was being a problem and it wasn’t the first for him. Charles finally remembered Ripley was a former patient of his. He looked up his file. It reminded him that Ripley was once violent. He put another kid in the hospital.

Charles had tried to help him with his aggression. Ripley didn’t respond well back then and he wasn’t responding well now. Charles had his concerns about Ripley’s fitness to practice at the hospital.

Only he was tied up by doctor/patient confidentiality. The most he could tell Sharon Goodwin who was the director of the hospital was that he had a former patient that was once dangerous at the hospital. He couldn’t give her anything else. Not even a name. And she didn’t take up those bread crumbs he left lying down.

Sharon was looking for rooms with extra beds for everyone that had been in the pileup. She also granted Dr. Crocket Marcel the chance of using OR 2.0 again.

He’s been running tests on it since it failed and he believes it now functioning. It was his last hope to save a little boy. The boy was Brice Morgan. His father died in the accident. He was left internally decapitated by the accident. His spine and his neck weren’t attached anymore. It was being held together by skin alone. If he had any chance of survival, it had to be OR 2.0.

Marcel was told that he could be fired if 2.0 didn’t work out or he lost the patient. Sharon was even told she could be fired if Brice dies. Their new bosses were all about business. They didn’t want to be left open to a massive lawsuit by the mother if that boy dies. Marcel was told all of this and he still went ahead with the surgery.

He had Dr. Abrams there to help. They were doing well when Ripley’s patient took a turn for the worse. He flipped out. He began panicking. He ripped out his own IV.

Harris had to be sedated. Charles saw his file. He asked Ripley in a private setting why he took the man off of his medication. Ripley then threw their pasts back at Charles. Charles once diagnosed him with Impulse Control Disorder. He did things without thinking and Ripley refused to admit he was a problem back then.

He tried to claim that Charles misdiagnosed him. He seemed set against putting Harris back on his meds. He said Harris was in a controlled environment. He was worried about the man’s high blood pressure. And they’ll see if the medications were making him sick.

Charles could do nothing to help Harris or his wife that had to watch him unravel. What he could do and did do was help Judith. Judith caused the massive pileup on the highway. She lost control of her car first. It led to so much death and destruction that Judith didn’t want to accept treatment.

She wanted to die. She thought that’s what she deserved after everything that happened and so Charles was able to talk her down from such thoughts. Archer also helped out Asher. Her patient was an organ donor and she was a match for a little girl that needed a new kidney.

Showing that her patient was still helping people even in death.

Asher helped Archer in return. She talked him into accepting the new kidney from his son. Archer wanted to turn it down at first because he didn’t think he deserved it. He remembered he was a terrible father. And so he still doesn’t think he deserved a fair chance at life, but he is willing to accept the kidney now.

But hey everyone has regrets. Charles remembered he overmedicated Ripley twenty years ago. He was a resident back. He was new at everything. He also failed to remember how he ditched a troubled teenager when he was needed most. And that’s why Ripley hates him.

And so the only happy ending was when Brice was miraculously saved by OR 2.0.

