Director Sam Levinson frequently films his girlfriend, actress Ellen Barkin — most recently in Another Happy Day with Demi Moore.
But the latest video out of the director’s hands is a controversial one: early on new year’s day, as the two were walking home in New York City, Levinson recorded Barkin in an encounter with a NYPD officer on the street, and Barkin appears upset as the officer puts his hands on her and moves her to the sidewalk.
Levinson, 26, used Twitvid to post what appears to be cellphone footage, and Barkin, 57, began tweeting angrily about the confrontation.
First she tweets: “Walking home…13th & 6th, police making random arrests of non protesters.Young girl in police van screaming”I’m just trying 2 get home.” She continues, “People being thrown in police vans, arrested for ‘jaywalking’ What happened to the NYPD of my youth?Who are u all?Shame shame on u all.”
Levinson tweets, “#NYPD Wildin out on random civilians on 5th ave Just watched a girl get arrested while trying 2 cross 13th st 2meet her bf @OccupyWallStNYC.”
Shortly afterward, Barkin describes the police confrontation Levinson captured on tape: “Just threatened on my street by NYPD,cop shoved me,both hands,onto sidewalk..Is it a crime 2 stand in the street in NY?WTF is going on here?”
Barkin’s anger escalates: “NOT MY CITY! NYPD violent attacks & arrests of any1 they can get their hands on Very few actual protesters,just random people in the streets.”
Barkin’s 76,000+ twitter followers had split reactions — many were upset on her behalf, pointing her to live streaming video footage and other New Yorkers on twitter who alleged they too encountered police brutality.
“Fuck all of u,Bloomberg & every1 goose-stepping behind u.I cannot believe what I am seeing.U protect nothing.U ARE the violence in my city.”
After responding to negative comments on her 140-character opinions, Barkin tweeted one last time before finally signing off to bed: “I am sorry for that ugly end to a very difficult year. Let’s hope we do better in 2012. And to all a good night.”