Our Top 5 Songs from Halsey's Badlands

Halsey is a new, up and coming artist who already sold out her first tour. She’s only 21, yet her music is blowing up a storm. So here are five songs that you need to listen to from her album Badlands.

5) Control – Control is an eerie sounding track but an amazing song. It’s about Halsey’s bipolar disorder, and she said it was hard to write for her because she said ‘is this really what I think of myself?’ The whole song is basically about the battle she feels is going on between her and her mind. It’s got a lot of personal meaning to Halsey, and is definitely worth the listen.

FAVE LYRIC = “I’m bigger than my body, I’m colder than this home, I’m meaner than my demons, I’m bigger than these bones.”

4) Drive – Drive is a very relaxed and possibly the most laidback on the album. It will make you feel calm, and remind you of an amazing midnight drive you might’ve once had. It is definitely distinctive, and like no other track on the album. Halsey took to Twitter to explain about the song:

Drive is an example of a song on the album that is more unique, less structured, it's uninhibited. I hope you love it http://t.co/G7mUR3mBW8

— h (@halsey) August 21, 2015

FAVE LYRIC = “Your laugh echoes down the hallway, carves into my hollow chest, spreads over the emptiness, it’s bliss.”

3) Colours – This is one of my definite favourites on Badlands. It again has a calming sound but has more going on than Drive. Halsey revealed that it was about Matty, lead singer of the 1975 and the relationship they shared. She said she wrote it about him because she found him fascinating and she loved to just watch him. In the song, she uses interesting ways of describing him for example, a sink and the sunrise. Check it out here.

FAVE LYRIC = “You’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece.”


2) Gasoline – Gasoline is the song that I think Halsey should be the most proud of. It revolves around her mental state when dealing with the pressures of fame. It again touches on her bipolar disorder, as she calls herself ‘insane’, ‘deranged’ and ‘strange’. She talks about standing out from the crowd which connects to the media’s perception of her and her honesty. She wants to be accepted for who she is, but the media won’t let her. Her inner demons are a constant theme through-out her album, and Gasoline is the track that portrays them the most.

FAVE LYRIC = “Do the people whisper bout you on the train like me, saying that you shouldn’t waste your pretty face like me?”

1) Roman Holiday – there’s such a fine line between this song and Gasoline when picking my absolute favourite Halsey song, but this just topped it for me. Roman Holiday is the most upbeat and fun song on the album, and I really hope Halsey makes more tracks like this one on her next album. It’s a beautiful and also a strange song that doesn’t use any female/male nouns. I imagine she’s talking about two best friends who fall in love, or an old lover, but she still reflects on herself. Here’s the link down below, definitely worth the listen!!

FAVE LYRIC = “We’ll be lacing the same shoes, that we’ve worn through, to the bottom of the line.”

Make sure you download Badlands if you haven’t already from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/badlands-deluxe/id1013141057

Tweet us @CelebMix and tell us your favourite songs from Badlands!
