This study guide provides some instruction on when you have to post signs and the rules about those signs.
The first question is "In what category are you Certified in," or "Where are you going to be spraying?"
Please select one of the four categories you may be certified in.
Turf & LandscapeSigns Used for Posting of Pesticide Applications
Depending on the situation, often combinations of these signs will have to be posted. For example, applications to golf courses with a product that has a non-agriculture REI and/or posting requirement.
The ATCP 29 Sign
This sign is used whenever there is an REI and/or Posting requirement on the label. REI or Restricted Entry Interval is often found on labels of products used in agriculture. It is still important to identify if there is an REI and/or Posting Requirement of non-agricultural products.
The DNR Sign
This sign must be posted when you are applying a pesticide that will come in contact with water or is being applied below the mean high water mark, such as in seasonal drainage ditches or canals. If you have received a permit from the DNR to do aquatic applications you will need to use this sign when posting.
The Landscape Sign
This sign needs to be posted when the application is on a landscape. Landscapes are defined as turf, ornamental, or mulched areas, including an areas being prepared for these purposes, that is in or around residential premises, public or commercial facilities, parks, workplaces, care facilities, recreational areas or public lands.
The Permanent Golf Course or Cemetery Sign
These signs are used instead of The lanscape sign for applications on golf courses or cemetaries applications.
The School Sign
This sign is always required when applications are done on school grounds. For example, an application in a school building or it can be used in place of the Landscape sign for applications to school grounds to areas that are not landscapes.
The Chemigation Sign
This sign is required when chemigation is the method of pesticide delivery. It is posted by the person operating the chemigation system.