Toya Johnson debuted a series called ‘We in the Kitchen’ and she made her followers happy when she announced the second episode that she just uploaded on her YouTube channel. Check it out below.
A follower said: ‘I’ve seen someone use mayonnaise before too for baking cupcakes…. It’s supposed to make it moister,’ and one other commenter posted this: ‘“If you ate that you better start eating some greens” 😂😂 okay! How you don’t eat greens?’
Someone else wrote: ‘Yes, my Big Mama made her cornbread several different ways depending upon what she had in the kitchen. If she didn’t have oil/eggs she would use mayo bc mayo is just a mixture of oil & eggs,’ and a fan posted: ‘What about ppl who actually put corn in the cornbread 🤮 the mayonnaise probably adds moisture but I’ll stick with jiffy mix.’
A commenter posted: ‘Let me just say this, y’all need to keep these coming because I’m spoiled now. This so makes me think about my granny who passed last year, and how we’d go visit and get up cooking, or go to bed cooking… times EVER. Thanks for sharing your family! Also, I use to break my spaghetti up, until Walmart started selling their brand already in half….Pot Perfect is what it’s called.’
A follower wrote this on YouTube: ‘Hi you all…Toya, I just LOVE your mom! She’s super human…meaning down to earth, easy to get along with, just an easy personality to new around. Bless you all!!’
Someone else told Toya, ‘I’m not even finished watching the full video yet. I just love these. It reminds me of my family so much, we from Louisiana. We love Yakimein. 😊 I shared this video with my momma. Keep em coming Toya. I love the New Orleans cuisine. It doesn’t get any better than that. Y’all make some liver and yes Nita I like the broth too. Mmm! Beedy that prayer was everything!’
Other than this, Toya’s fans are happy to see their favorite star so pleased and thrilled. The woman could not be happier together with her soul mate, finance Robert Rushing and she is always making sure to show this publicly.