Who were the three suspects charged in Makeva Jenkins' murder-for-hire case? Details explored ahead

An all-new episode of Does Murder Sleep on ID will revisit Makeva Jenkins' 2017 murder-for-hire case this Wednesday, August 23, 2023. The episode, titled Dream Killer, is set to air on the channel at 10:00 pm ET. The official synopsis says:

"In Palm Beach County, Fla., detectives discover pregnant mother of three, Makeva Jenkins, brutally murdered in her sleep; they delve into her extensive use of social media as they look for clues, uncovering a twisted plot and betrayal."

Three suspects, including her husband Euri Jenkins, his friend Dametri Dale, and a hired hitman named Joevan Joseph, were arrested and charged in connection with Makeva Jenkins' shooting death. The victim, who was pregnant at the time, was shot once in the head by a masked gunman in June 2017 in what seemed like a home invasion. However, a subsequent investigation proved otherwise.

Euri was implicated as the mastermind of the murder-for-hire who conspired with Dametri and asked Joevan to kill his wife to collect $500,000 in life insurance money. He reportedly offered the hired hitman $20,000 in return.

Last May, Euri Jenkins was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. The other two accused testified against him and pleaded guilty to separate, reduced charges.

Makeva Jenkins' hefty life insurance policy was ruled to be the murder motive

According to Oxygen, a shocking development was made in Makeva Jenkins' June 29, 2017, shooting death when Dametri Dale admitted to conspiring with Makeva's husband, Euri Jenkins, who then hired a hitman named Joevan Joseph to have the pregnant mother-of-three murdered. The motive behind it was to collect $500,000 from the victim's life insurance policies.

Makeva was sleeping in bed at her house in Palm Beach, Florida, when a masked man broke into the home and fatally shot her in the head. The incident initially seemed like a home invasion. Euri had been hanging out in the garage at the time with their friend Dametri and Makeva's brother, Quay Greer. The gunman broke into the house and started asking for money, as per their accounts.

Strangely, nothing of value was missing from the house, and the gunman only fired one round at 33-year-old Makeva before fleeing the crime scene in Dametri's white Dodge Charger. The vehicle was later discovered about a quarter of a mile from the house. Detectives also found a Miami Sub receipt from the day of the murder inside the car.

The first breakthrough came through surveillance footage from the Miami Sub restaurant. The footage reportedly captured Dametri Dale with a man, who was eventually identified as the gunman, Joevan Joseph. Other footage showed Joevan's vehicle closely tailing Dametri Charger as he drove towards the Jenkins family's house that night.

Another suspicious discovery was made when detectives learned that Euri had a child with his former mistress and was behind on child support payments. He owed the woman at least $20,000 and was set to receive $500,000 from Makeva's life insurance if something were to happen to her. He even propositioned the former mistress for s*x one day after his wife's murder.

Makeva Jenkins' husband was convicted and given a life sentence, while the remaining two accused pleaded guilty

Law & Crime reported that Euri Jenkins and his co-conspirators failed to cover up their murder-for-hire plot after it happened. Moreover, in the weeks following Makeva Jenkins' shooting death, Euri also learned that he was not listed as a beneficiary on her life insurance policy.

The outlet reported that Joevan Joseph was arrested in September of that year, followed by Euri's arrest in December. The former was hired by the husband for $20,000, half of which was paid before the crime, and the remaining was to be given to him afterward. Joevan also claimed that Euri had given him clear instructions about where to find his wife.

Dametri Dale would later testify that he arranged the meeting between Euri and Joevan. He later agreed to a plea deal and to testify against the victim's husband at his 2022 trial, and in exchange, he pleaded guilty to manslaughter, as per The Palm Beach Post, receiving 15 years of probation.

Joevan, who initially pleaded guilty, also accepted a deal of 15 years for second-degree murder. He was given credit for the nearly five years already served and was also handed 10 years of probation after his sentence.

Euri was found guilty of first-degree murder in May 2022 after a jury heard testimony from his co-conspirators. He was then sentenced to life in prison.

Makeva Jenkins' murder case is set to air on ID's Does Murder Sleep this Wednesday.

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